The Introduction of Cloud Service: Advancing the Business to an Optimum Level

The Introduction of Cloud Service: Advancing the Business to an Optimum Level 

         Over the past decades, Cloud service has been considered significant in the business context and tends to thrive correspondingly. Cloud service is a disruptive concept in operating business whether it is applied in small or large-scale businesses since it helps reduce the cost of investment. On account of its reasonable cost of operation, it is perfectly suitable for businesses that require large storage capacity. To clarify, managing data storage could result in high investment costs either procuring the hardware or recruiting employees to supervise the data storage management. 

What is Cloud?

         Those who are new to the Cloud would have used the service implicitly in the form of a depository or sending-receiving files on the internet such as Email, Google Drive, or storing data on a smartphone. Be that as it may, these activities are just one part of the categories of the Cloud service. Indeed, Cloud services have a broader meaning and significance. 

         Cloud or Cloud Computing refers to an assisting system that allows for high-performance computing applications such as data storage systems, data installation, or other internal systems with the hopes of increasing the system efficacy. The storage space can be either increased or decreased according to the actual usage. In the meantime, the system itself is malleable which helps to downsize the business costs and support the business proliferation plan. 

         Cloud has taken a leading role in responding to the business’s demands as it advocates the advancement of technologies that plays a prominent part in daily life. Wherefore, those technologies have undoubtedly grown exponentially.

         Gartner Inc., a US information technology research and analysis company assessed the overall Cloud service growth rate from 2019 to 2025, averaging about 21% per year, as virtually every type of business has huge storage needs, especially when the world has fully entered the IoT era.

Cloud Service

Types of Cloud Services

Cloud services can be categorized into three critical functions: 

  1. Private Cloud is suitable for organizations that seek excellent security systems, such as government sectors and large private organizations. Private Cloud provides high-level assurance since it is a closed system and employees must identify themselves before assessing the program. By the same token, the right to get access can be restricted depending on the organization’s requirements. Since it is a private system, it can generate the process way faster than other types of Cloud systems. 
  1. Public Cloud is available for all business industries whether it is small or large businesses as it facilitates the data storage procedure and has a unified platform for all employees. The cost of operating is reasonable and the service can be decided on a monthly or annual basis, depending on the scale of the business. Meanwhile, the size of the Cloud can be flexibly altered as required to meet the demands. More importantly, the public cloud is deployed on different platforms through the cloud-owned service provider, thus, it is advisable to choose a reliable cloud provider to prevent all possible damages that may arise. 
  1. Hybrid Cloud is a service that brings together the strengths of the first two types of Cloud. The service itself permits flexibility in the data storage to satisfy the need and preferences of users, such as storing non-confidential data on the Public Cloud whilst storing confidential data on the Private Cloud with the aim of limiting accessibility. All in all, Hybrid Cloud grants a full range of flexibility to users. 
The advantages of the Cloud services

Five advantages of the Cloud services

  1. Cost-saving: before businesses switched to the Cloud, there were enormous fixed expenses, such as IT wages, electricity costs, equipment maintenance costs, etc. When it comes to Cloud services, it provides cost-effectiveness as the budget can be invested to develop in other areas. 
  1. Flexible adjustment: due to its flexibility in usage, the users can freely adjust the size of the storage to match the actual spending in different periods. During the heavy use, the expansion of the size can be done immediately without having to wait for the IT to revise the server – this feature raises the popularity of Cloud services unquestionably. 
The advantages of the Cloud services
  1. System outage prevention: businesses that store data via their servers could encounter unexpected situations, such as hacking or disaster that led to the damage. Be that as it may, employing Cloud services can diminish risks and concerns on those uncontrollable issues due to the system’s extensive backup features. 
  1. Convenience: businesses can run smoothly and flexibly on the grounds that Cloud services allow employees to work anywhere and anytime. More essentially, it makes WFH function well since the data can be extracted and worked on together using NT, a stable and high-speed internet signal that covers countrywide. 
  1. Security: data storage is the heart of businesses. In particular, businesses having their own platform for data storage and management often requires specialists to supervise the system or otherwise the system could likely be hacked at anytime. Nonetheless, these issues will not occur owing to Cloud services’ trustworthy security available to support cyber security, effective backup system, and help and support service center. Ultimately, Cloud services advance the level of security and create trustworthiness for the business owners. 
Cloud Service

NT solution provides a variety of Cloud services options to be chosen by business owners, such as: 

  • NT CCTV on Cloud or a closed-circuit television camera service offers  businesses a high level of safety while reducing the opportunity of data outages as the data will be kept on the Cloud via the internet ready to be recalled atl any time. 
  • NT Cloud WAN network connection service between branch offices and the head office as a means to accelerate the efficiency of usability through enterprise applications.
  • Panda Cloud Service, a cyber-threat protection service, etc.

         Cloud Services apply to many businesses since it drives the enterprise’s productivity and raises the standard of operating business in the future. 

         For more information or any questions related to the NT Solution package, feel free to reach out via Contact Center 1888 or www.nt-metro-service.com/contact-us

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