What is Smart Mobility? Why is it important for Smart City?

Smart Mobility: Understanding the Smart Journey Revolution.

For a city to truly become ‘smart’, it must lay the groundwork for an intelligent mobility system. The aim is to craft a transport network that not only eases daily commutes but also enriches the quality of life. Join us as we delve into the essence, strategic plans, benefits, and global trends of Smart Mobility development.

What is Smart Mobility?

Smart Mobility is one of the key pillars of a comprehensive Smart City development. Smart Mobility refers to the development of intelligent mobility networks that utilize cutting-edge technologies such as Big Data and AI to increase daily mobility efficiency whether it is a transportation of goods, industrial transportation and domestic tourism

Smart Mobility’s primary goal is to elevate life quality by improving travel and transport. Imagine more parking availability for residents and visitors, upgraded public transport that seamlessly connects entire regions, efficient vehicles that lower greenhouse gas emissions, and innovative apps that simplify your journey from point A to B.

Important factors for the Smart Mobility development

Smart Mobility requires factors and the development of transportation networks that go beyond an increase in traveling options but it must include development starting from the transportation, environment, advancement of technology and safety as follows:

  • A variety of bus routes (Flexibility) Developing each area to have various travel options that meet all the travel demands whether for tourism, work travel or daily life travel.
  • Efficiency of transportation (Efficiency) smoothens the travel quality as much as possible with the least amount of travel obstacles and travel time possible.
  • Interconnected mobility networks (Integration) All transportation routes should be connected to facilitate route changes and make it more systematic.
  • Environmentally friendly (Environmentally friendly) is a combination of two main principles namely Smart Environment and Smart Mobility that will eliminate carbon dioxide in transportation.
  • Transportation safety (Safety) reduces accident rates and violence from transportation.

How important is Smart Mobility?

Smart Mobility is important in the quality of life improvement through the use of modern technology along with the development of domestic transportation. In addition, Smart Mobility is also one of the first key factors in helping the development of Smart City into reality. Its importance are as follows:

Smart Mobility is important in developing Smart City into reality.

In order to develop Smart City, the development of Smart Mobility is important because Smart Mobility is one of the cores in improving the quality of life. It also affects other core factors. For example, having a quality Smart Mobility will lead to quality Smart Living and Smart Environment. 

Smart Mobility helps develop the transportation network further.

It increases transportation potential with Smart Mobility, whether it is increasing travel space, facilitating transportation connection and closeness to each other as well as the development of transportation with technology such as AI, sensors and applications to promote the business sector.

Smart Mobility helps solve traffic congestion problems.

Developing a transportation network like Smart Mobility by developing more public bus routes and increased connections between routes not only helps reduce the number of cars on the road, It also decrease the amount of carbon dioxide produced and tackles traffic congestion problems.

Smart Mobility reduces air pollution.

Smart Mobility is one of the transportation developments that contribute to the global mission of greenhouse gas reduction or Net Zero Emission. For instance, the carsharing policy encourages people to carpool if they travel the same route which helps reduce the emission of carbon dioxide.

Smart Mobility helps develop industrial transportation.

Smart Mobility not only improves transportation in the daily life of ordinary people but also the development of industrial transportation. For example, electromagnetic powered cars (Hyperloop) are not only used for fast transportation but also beneficial in transporting goods for international export.

Smart Mobility, the smart travel and transportation application.

At present, various forms of technology have been developed to increase the efficiency of transportation, travel route and vehicles to meet the Smart City lifestyle. The application of Smart Mobility to travel and transportation in daily life is as follows:

Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

Improve the quality of life with Mobility as a Service (MaaS) which applies Smart Mobility to solve the pain points of people’s transportation nowadays through MaaS which is a collection of all forms of transportation services in the digital world. For example, known Smart Mobility Providers in Thailand today are Uber, Lineman or Grab Taxi.

Electric Vehicle (EV)

Electric vehicles are another example of the application of Smart Mobility that create public benefits and the environment. At present, the world has begun to focus on and are increasingly interested in the development of electric cars because of its advantages in terms of reducing carbon dioxide and features for safe and easier drive. 

Intelligent Transportation Technology

Increasing the public transportation and travel efficiency with Intelligent Transportation Technology (ITS), the technology that has been developed and is a part of Smart Mobility that will help increase road safety both for general travel and transportation of goods such as CCTV cameras to detect speeding drivers, variable speed signs, digital traffic information from Google Maps, bicycle lanes, bus lanes, and High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes.


Short-term car rental service, both P2P and B2C, is one of the fast-growing businesses from Smart Mobility at 39% per year. According to a survey, a single use of car rental service can help reduce the number of cars on the road by as much as 20 cars. This is another tool to encourage people to make profit from their unused cars.

Frequently asked questions about Smart Mobility

How will Smart Mobility help change the way people live, travel and transport for the better?

Smart Mobility helps improve the quality of life and creates a better experience for every transportation and traveling. In addition, Smart Mobility does not cover simply the development the potential of vehicles or channels for transportation services but it also reduces expenses for everyday travel, increases safety in every trip, develops travel assistance tools and better environment conservation. 

How is Smart Mobility different from Smart Transportation?

Smart Mobility is generally described as simple, convenient travel with freedom. On the other hand, Smart Transportation often refers to the capacity and quality of vehicles.

How does IoT help with Smart Mobility?

Increase the potential of Smart Mobility with the Internet of Things (IoT) by combining cutting-edge technology to facilitate transportation and make transportation safer whether it is a traffic signal, speed cameras, sensors and vehicle quality.

Future Smart Mobility development trends 

The development of Smart Mobility in the future when technology is more advanced than at present will help perfect every trip and transportation through the use of modern technology, IoT and the expansion of travel areas combined. In addition, the business group related to Smart Mobility is likely to grow a lot as well.

Summary: Smart Mobility Solutions, the solution to developing Smart City into reality.

     Around the globe, nations are embracing Smart Mobility as a vital step towards actualizing Smart Cities. A crucial piece of this puzzle is modern technology backed by rapid, robust, and reliable internet connectivity. For entities aiming to digitize their travel systems – from data storage, app development, and software creation to communication systems – the importance of such technology can’t be overstated, especially when enhancing business transportation.

    National Telecom Public Company Limited, or NT, stands prepared to bolster Smart City initiatives. We offer a comprehensive internet service that promises a stable corporate connection via Lease Line, alongside software solutions designed for efficient travel data management. These advancements are set to revolutionize your transportation networks, streamline your services, and transform your business operations.

Interested in taking the next step towards a smarter, more connected future? Reach out to NT through our following dedicated channels

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